George Orwell said, “any life when viewed from the inside is simply a series of defeats.”
That’s true. That is what drives our need to “win”. On the inside, every person you will ever meet spends their life gaining strength, by counting their losses. I mean, that is every “great” sports speech. Every “great” sports speech that a team’s coach gives, focuses on the idea that the team members deserve the win because of how much they’ve paid for it.
People count their losses as motivation. That is human.
So how do we motivate ourselves without the need to focus on the losses that we must overcome? How do we break free from that mental Christ narrative of suffering to the resurrection? Is it ingrained? Is it how we are programmed? Is that why the Christ story resonates? Or are we hypnotized by the said story and stories like it? These are all valid questions.
Joy doesn’t seem to motivate. Is suffering the necessary seed of our survival when looked at through a certain vantage point?