Many think that AI technology will inevitably replace all jobs, and I say that that is impossible.
It is impossible for the same reason that ATMs didn’t get rid of bank employees. An ATM is the original AI. It was invented in 1967 and grew in use as bank jobs grew more numerous. This is because when technology makes a service more accessible, more people seek to use that service, thus creating more jobs for that service.
Not just that. I know that I use/manage software at my job. Therefore, as AI takes over things like farming, humans then have to oversee the endless amount of software that makes that takeover possible and functional.
Of course, all such workflow takeovers will be AI-based. But they still need to be overseen to some degree. We humans are creating AI to live forever through AI. Therefore, the jobs of overseeing AI will essentially be forever, too. We will become AI-based beings as AI will permeate all aspects of life. Taking care of AI will be human self-care.
Think about all the skills you will master as life expectancy gets extended. People will live multiple lifetimes compared to their ancestors. And most people will have the ability to become Renaissance men if they wish. This opportunity for each person will always require that every other person serve society with a job. Only the…