I believe in one God.
I also believe all people who believe in one God are correct in their belief.
I believe in one God, and I think God is different for every human being, ever.
I’ll explain. Imagine if you are writing a novel with many characters. You are the creator of the book, quite literally the God of that novel, the creator.
Well, in writing said novel, you would be a different God to every character, even though you are the one creator.
God works the same way. God is writing a story with all of humanity. And so therefore, the one true God, is a different God for every human being.
From this view, the one God is both fair and unfair to humans. God is unfair in God’s treatment. But fair in God’s reason of why.
Our only hope is that when we die, God lets us read humanity’s whole story. So we can understand and see our part.