The debt ceiling bill just got signed by President Joe Biden.
What this means I assure you is there is going to be even more monetary inflation in the U.S. and abroad as a runoff.
Here’s why.
The reason we keep on having to raise the debt ceiling is because of subsidies.
What are subsidies you ask? Subsidies are free money.
‘Member when you got free money during COVID. That was a subsidy. That was a time when they gave subsidies directly to us, instead of to the businesses that employ us.
But yeah, big businesses get free money all the time.
And this is a problem. Because more and more people are seeing this and it is creating a psychological imbalance in our view of money.
Imagine this, if money can just be printed, then there is no reason to ever not be greedy.
Think about it. If you kinda know the government can always just print more money, then you will always try to grab as much as you can.
That’s where we’re at. Greed without “consequence”.
But there is a consequence. This game can’t last without turning into slavery. Because we now know that in a world where money can just be printed, then those on top can always be simply given the money they need to never fail.
And that is a game-over scenario.