Gordon Sonland and the Skill of Trump’s Sloppiness
No one knows or cares who Gordon Sondland is. And a huge amount of this country doesn’t care if Trump is corrupt because he’s transparent about it. Trump won’t get impeached because his sloppiness is his skill. I’ll break it down for you.
People believe that other politicians are just slicker than Trump. People believe that other politicians are just more opaque than Trump.
You gotta understand, over half this country firmly believes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are murderers. They firmly believe that the Clintons have murdered their associates when necessary in their pursuit of power. They believe Bill Clinton is a pervert who hung out many many times with Jeffery Epstein. They believe Hillary Clinton spent her time as Secretary of State dealing in her own corrupt ways to try to make it to the White House. They remember Benghazi. And they view Hillary Clinton as the corrupt woman who tried to sweep Benghazi under the rug by blaming it on a YouTube video.
People are told that Halliburton, located out of Houston Texas, and friends of the Bush family, became filthy rich as a result of 9/11 and the subsequent Iraq and Afghanistan wars. People believe and wanna believe that the Bushes orchestrated 9/11. People have to believe that the Bushes orchestrated 9/11. Because the other option is to believe that our government and military are completely ineffective. The other option is to somehow believe that our government is capable of protecting us against a foreign bomb or missile, but not a plane taking off from Logan Airport. People have to call bullshit on the official 9/11 story to feel safe.
People were told by Barrack Obama that Osama bin Laden was killed and then these same people were never shown a body.
People were sold on Obamacare only to find out that they can now get quality health insurance only if they are rich or poor.
People see Amazon paying no taxes, and politicians, almost across the board, doing nothing.
People don’t understand why many politicians belong to secret societies and are therefore suspect of their intentions and allegiances.
And finally, NO ONE has any idea what the Clinton Foundation does. That charity must have the WORST marketing team in the history of existence. They could learn a few things from the people at Breast Cancer Awareness, who seem to be very clear that the money donated is going towards breast cancer awareness. So please forgive folk for thinking that the Clinton Foundation is simply money given to the whims of the Clintons. If that is not the case, they should consider a name change.
I don’t know if any of the above is actually true, but I know many people believe some to most, if not all of what I’ve stated. And I know it’s why people don’t really care about a corrupt phone call by President Trump to the President of Ukraine. In fact, people are now wondering what Joe Biden’s son was doing in the Ukraine.
I’m sorry. As an American. I gotta say. The media has become so partisan that it is impossible to view any of this as anything other than political theater. Politics at this point is largely viewed as a necessary farce to living in a civilized world. Nothing more.
And THEN… into this whole political drama of ongoing show steps a man named Gordon Sondland with what is apparently a “bombshell” allegation of quid pro quo against President Trump. Honesly Gordon. I’m too tired to even learn your name.
Again. To most Americans, Donald Trump seems annoyingly transparent, and most other politicians seem annoyingly opaque. And to a lot of Americans, annoyingly transparent is a lot easier to deal with than annoyingly opaque. It boils down to that. People firmly believe that previous Presidents were just as corrupt as Donald Trump. Just slicker. Just not as sloppy as Donald.