How Black Americans Can Get Reparations for Slavery
Okay, black people could do this with any American state that had slavery. But as an example, I’ll use Delaware.
Okay, you need a TON of black people to move to Delaware just before an election and just in time to register to vote. And when I say a TON of black people. What I mean is. Enough black people would have to move to Delaware, where black people would make up 80% or more of the state’s voting population. And all of these black folk need to, of course, be pro-reparations.
Then, you vote in black state government candidates that are pro-reparations for slavery.
And after these candidates are elected. The Delaware state government would seize/freeze much of the endowments of any private colleges and universities in the state of Delaware that existed and benefited from slavery in Delaware when it existed. Those colleges/universities can then earn their endowments back/unfreeze their money by providing free educations to black residents of Delaware going forward.
Next, all the land in Delaware that ever had a slave work on it in any capacity (which is most of it) would have its property tax raised to a 90% tax rate (with no loopholes and no exceptions) for all non-black American Delaware landowners. Black American Delaware landowners will have their property taxed at a regular rate. This property tax raise on non-black landowners will cause a fire sale in which non-black landowners will court wealthy black Americans to please buy their land, thus transferring most land in Delaware to black American ownership.
And lastly, and this is the best one. Over 60% of Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware. These new lawmakers would raise taxes on all non-majority black-owned businesses incorporated in Delaware (again, no loopholes and no exceptions). And this new business tax revenue would be used to give monetary reparations to all black American residents of Delaware. Now, of course, all of these businesses will look to reincorporate in other states asap. But you can sue these companies for tax evasion as they leave. And settle for large sums of money out of court. I think these companies will be looking to come to terms quickly with Delaware/Black America to prevent any bad press. No publicly traded company wants a public case where they refuse to aid Black America in its pursuit of reparations. So yeah. These companies will look to settle QUICK.
And as these companies reincorporate, they will reincorporate in states with no or little past ties to slavery. And other companies, incorporated in other states that once had slavery, will flee those states immediately to reincorporate elsewhere to avoid such a thing happening to them in their state, thus crumbling the economies of past slave states. And that would bring the US government to its knees, and reparations would be given on a federal level IMMEDIATELY and would be plentiful to stop this state-level process.