There needs to be a federal bill passed that gives payment to New York State. And with that Federal Money, New York State needs to create a bathroom bill.
Here is the idea.
New York City doesn’t have enough bathrooms. That’s a problem. Because a lack of bathrooms slows commerce. New York City has a wealthy aging population that leaves their homes less and less because of a lack of public bathrooms.
If New York City created 5,000 public bathrooms throughout the five boroughs and hired 12 attendants for each bathroom. Three shifts daily of four people on each shift.
New York City could then create a work visa approval fast track for migrants who apply for the job of bathroom attendant.
These bathrooms can be designed to be self-cleaning. Thus making each group of attendants outside the bathroom solely security guards for the safety of public property.
An outside city janitor can be called in for the times when the self-cleaning function is not enough. And police can be called if violence occurs. That’s why there are four attendants outside the bathroom on each shift, as there is safety in numbers. Also, the four attendants would always be two male and two female.