I Know How to Fix This Roe v. Wade Problem
I know how to fix this Roe v. Wade Problem.
It’s so obvious.
Artificial wombs.
Think about it. If we perfect artificial wombs; and make abortion legal with the cooperation of artificial wombs, then a person would be able to be both pro-life and pro-choice. ‘Because a woman could terminate her pregnancy without terminating the life of the fetus.
Under this revised system, when a woman goes to get an abortion, her fetus would be removed and placed into an artificial womb until it can live independent of the said artificial womb. At this point of independence from the said artificial womb (birth), the said baby would be moved to the custody of the father, or a relative, or adoption, foster care, or an orphanage as a last resort.
Yeah, the mom might get an awkward phone call from her child years later, but that’s life.
But what is important about this proposed system, is that women in the United States would be able to keep full autonomy over their bodies, while also ending the practice of terminating the life of the fetus.
So a person could be both fully pro-choice, and fully pro-life.
I believe they call this a win-win.
And if you don’t think this system would be fair, then you have to admit that your belief in a woman’s ‘right to choose has nothing to do with her bodily autonomy; and everything to do with the said woman not receiving that awkward phone call from her child, years later.