My favorite philosophical thought to meditate in light of is the following.
Everyone in their mind, as far as I can tell, has thoughts that come, and then a ‘thinker’ thinks about those thoughts. I know that process happens to me, and of course, my ‘thinker’ manifests itself on my exterior as my person. And, I see others do this same process, so I deduce that the process is likely similar throughout.
Now, thoughts happen, and the ‘thinker’ thinks about the thoughts. What is interesting about that process is that the ‘thinker’ needs thoughts, but thoughts don’t need a ‘thinker’. Meaning thoughts presuppose the ‘thinker’. Meaning, your ‘thinker’ is your first thought.
Your ‘thinker’, your person, was simply your first thought. This “I” thought is that you are separate from the world. It’s a necessary thought to interact with the world, with yourself as separate from other things. But it is, of course, just an illusion that allows the other illusions. Your first thought gives recognition to all the thoughts that follow. And so you forget that this first thought of your person is just a thought because it’s the thought that acknowledges the other thoughts.