Recently, on a Sunday after work, I was walking by a church in the early evening. I saw a mass going on. I grew up Catholic, but I’m not anymore. But I decided to go in.
I couldn’t get myself to go in right away. I had already started smoking my after-work joint, which I had just clipped, and it was in my pocket. So before I went into the church, I got a cup of coffee at the bodega next to the Catholic church. I then drank the coffee while smoking the rest of the J. Once done, I went in.
The mass was in the second half. People were kneeling. I joined in kneeling to blend in. Then, it came time for the sign of peace. No one shook hands. Everyone just made the peace symbol with their pointer and middle finger in eyesight of each other while saying, “Peace be with you, and also with you.” And all that stuff.
Then it came time for communion, and I got in line and received. I stayed until the absolute end. I waited until the choir finished singing, and all clapped. They said there was a young adult social after, but I wasn’t in the mood to be socially performative at such an event. Mainly, because I don’t believe in Jesus. So going there is a kind of a direct act of trolling or desperation. I judge neither by the way. It’s just that neither was me in that moment. You gotta know your person.