I noticed something strange about the Bible. The discovery of fire isn’t in the bible. At no point did God instruct Adam and Eve on how to control fire. And there is no mention of it in the Adam and Eve narrative at all. But yet, after expulsion from The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve’s sons Cain and Abel are making burnt offerings to God. There were no recordings of burnt offerings made to God in Eden.
Also, Adam and Eve were in the Garden with all the other animals. After getting kicked out of the Garden, they are now out in the world we are in now, and we are still with the animals we were with, in the Garden of Eden. So it makes you think, animals are probably still in the Garden. It was us who were kicked out. Meaning the Garden of Eden is a state of mind. Now, what was the original sin that changed our state of mind? I think it was the discovery of the ability to control fire.
Controlling fire is a technology. Fire is natural. But a lighter, and a campfire are technologies. Controlling fire was the first technology. I believe that the Adam and Eve myth is the devil teaching Adam and Eve to control fire. Lucifer means “bearer of light”. Controlled fire is, of course, the first light bearing of man. The realization that we can control fire makes sense as mankind’s original sin, in that the realization that we can control fire is, of course, a…